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Top Hygiene Tips for the Office

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If you were to look around your office right now, things may look fairly clean. Maybe there are stacks of papers lying around, some dust under the window but a little mess is harmless, right?

Not necessarily. The biggest threat isn’t the clutter you see, but the germs you can’t see. Studies show it only takes four hours for the germs from just one door handle to spread to 50% of an office space. So, how do we keep harmful germs (and sick days) to a minimum?

Spotless CC is a Montgomery County commercial cleaning company that listens closely to its clients needs and aims to clean each space correctly, the first time around. When it comes to office hygiene, we’re experts! So read on to learn how to keep germs at bay.

Of the approximately 60,000 germs humans come in contact with each day, only 1 to 2 percent is potentially dangerous. Still, if that 1% hits your office (aka the flu), you’re going to wish you’d followed the tips from these Montgomery County commercial cleaners! Here are a few ways to maintain office hygiene:

  1. Disinfectant is your friend – Keyboards, phones and door handles are breeding grounds for germs and viruses. Disinfect heavily touched areas often.
  2. Use hand sanitizer – Alcohol-based sanitizers to be specific. Since alcohol is a drying agent, germs will be killed on the spot.
  3. Wash (really wash) your hands – Rinsing your hands with water won’t cut it. To really remove germs from your hands, you’ll need to scrub them gently but thoroughly. Ten to 30 seconds usually does the trick!
  4. If you can, stay home if you’re sick – One of the main ways you can help prevent the spread of germs in your office is to take a sick day when you’re feeling under the weather. If you must come in, try to avoid common areas as much as possible!
  5. Sharing is NOT caring – During flu season especially, consider bringing your own mug and box of tissues to work.

Contact This Montgomery County Office Cleaning Company Today

Getting everyone at the office on board with cleaning might not be easy. The best way to keep the office hygiene up (along with morale) is to hire a professional Montgomery County commercial cleaning crew to handle it on a regular basis. We’ll work on your schedule; Spotless offers cleaning services biweekly, weekly or even daily. Plus, we only work on commercial spaces, so we’re familiar with the type of cleaning necessary to make your space look and feel great. Call this Montgomery County commercial cleaning company today at 267-217-2003!